Enjoying the beauty of spring can sometimes be stifled by the inventible allergies that comes with the season. Fresh floral blooms may be wonderful to breathe in, but we can all agree that the frustrating spring pollen is not. Because of the abundance during the season, it’s difficult to keep pollen and other allergens outside and out of the house, causing more allergy irritation.  Fortunately, we’ve listed ten different ways to reduce seasonal allergies in your home.


1. Keep cars in the garage

If you have or live near common trees that produce a lot of pollen, chances are your vehicle is constantly covered with a layer of that yellow dust. This is one of the easiest ways to irritate spring allergies as it immediately gets into your car and most likely covers you when getting in. Avoid this by keeping vehicles in the garage as much as possible during the season.


2. Wear a hat or wash hair after being outside

Allergens stick to hair until it’s washed out. This causes you to be constantly in a bubble of uncomfortable itching and sneezing if your allergies are more severe. When outside or tending to the yard, make sure your hair is completely covered underneath a hat or wash your hair before going to bed to avoid bringing it in the home and into your bedding.


3. Check the weather and pollen index and dress accordingly

Before heading out, make sure to check the pollen index for your area on your phone or computer. Most built-in weather applications for the phone will have an allergy section indicating a scale for trees, weeds, and grass. If the scale indicates a high level of outdoor allergens, wear clothes that are nylon or polyester heavy, such as a windbreaker, to easily clean off pollen before entering the home.


4. Use doormats at every entrance of the house

Doormats help to trap and scrape off allergens from your shoes before going inside. This means in order to track the least amount of pollen inside, doormats should be used at every entrance into the house. This means the front and back doors but also the garage and side doors.


5. Wash hands after coming into the house

As obvious as it seems, washing your hands often is a huge lifesaver when it comes to keeping allergies away. This will help decrease the spread of pollen as well as mold and dust mites into your respiratory system and everything you touch in your home. Wash hands after being outdoors, after any type of cleaning activity, or after a couple of hours doing anything involving using your hands.


6. Use a microfiber duster

Dust build-up can easily cause an allergy trigger. To avoid dust mites spreading from inefficient dusting, use a microfiber cloth. Clean dust with a dry or slightly damp microfiber cloth to trap dust rather than spread. This will also help reduce mold and pollen allergies. Wash microfiber cloth immediately after dusting or place outside when done.


7. Keep windows and doors closed

If you have severe spring allergies, it may be best to enjoy the season’s beauty from indoors. Although aiming to stay inside all the time is not realistic, you should limit outdoor activity during pollen season. Rely on air conditioning to cool your home and keep all doors and windows shut to avoid filling your house with lingering pollen.


8. Vacuum frequently

Vacuuming is not the most enjoyable of tasks (for most people), however, it can be quite beneficial when battling allergens. Vacuum often to rid allergens from the home and make sure to be more vigorous around the entrances. Vacuum once to twice a week and always empty vacuums outside.


9. Wipe paws and wash the fur

Pets that go in and out of the house are major culprits of triggering allergies and collecting pollen. Besides pet dander, fur holds pollen, dust, and other allergens which animals deposit all over the house. Avoid this by always wiping your pet’s paws before coming inside the house and bathe them as often as possible.


10. Speed clean everything throughout the week

Most people have different days to clean different things. If you have spring allergies, it may be more efficient to switch to speed cleaning everything during the season. This involves cleaning from top to bottom and quickly rather than thoroughly throughout the week to reduce allergen build up in the home. Wash laundry often throughout the week as well, and bedding twice a week when your area’s pollen index is high.


A final tip is to keep in mind that spring allergies don’t only include pollen. Mold forms from dead foliage from the winter freeze and revives during the spring. Clean up dead foliage around your home as soon as possible to avoid mold allergy irritation. Now you’re ready to defend your house against allergens! With these tips, remember to enjoy the season regardless of the side effects it brings. Spring is a beautiful time and creates new life to appreciate throughout the year.