Wicker furniture is really great at bringing a rustic, antique sort of posh to your home decor. When combined with most styles, wicker can easily make a complement to most homes. You can paint it up, or dress it down. For me, wicker reminds me of front-porch-sittin’. Sipping on a coke and taking in the summer air while the sun slides down the skyline. A little stereo buzzes some soft staticy music from my favorite station.
As you can see, I’m a little partial, but I still think wicker works well for most homes. Synthetic wicker is extremely durable for your outdoor furniture, because it can really handle the weather well. You can opt to add outdoor cushions and pillows if you choose, and you can even switch them out to match the changing seasons.

Wicker can bring a subtle charm to any home.
Because of wicker’s lacy look and style, it is a natural bastion for dust and buildup. This, coupled with being left out in the elements, can cause your wicker furniture to lose its beauty if left unkempt for a long period of time. I’m going to give you some basic steps you can take to keep your wicker furniture looking great, year-round.
Step 1: Vacuum The Furniture
No matter what you are cleaning, be it floors, or dishes or whatever, the first step is always to remove the dry stuff right away. You always sweep before you mop, remember that. So before you break out any sprays or wipes, simply vacuum the wicker first. Use a hose attachment that features a brush to help you brush loose stubborn dirt and dust. If your wicker is painted, remember to be gentle so as not to damage or scrape the paint off.
Step 2: Grab A Toothbrush And Scrub
Toothbrush is a more micro version of the vacuum brush attachment. With a toothbrush you are capable of reaching the harder to reach locations and crevices that you vacuum hose was too bulky to reach. You can add a little water to the toothbrush for wicker types (like outdoor/synthetic) that wouldn’t be damaged by water. You can go even further by breaking out tweezers to grab small things that are lodged in tight places.
Step 3: Groom Your Wicker With Scissors
As wicker ages and receives more use, wear, and tear, it can begin to fray. It might not be dramatic, but little pieces of wicker stuck out everywhere can make your wicker appear unkempt. Sort of like when you wait one or two extra weeks longer than usual before you go to get a haircut. You’re still beautiful, but you know when you need a trim.
Take a pair of scissors around your wicker and keep your eyes peeled for break away material and stray pieces. Do not pull at them because this can cause damage. Just snip with scissors at the root of the fray.
Step 4: Wipe Down Your Wicker Furniture
This is only going to work on wicker that can handle moisture. Synthetic and outdoor types are best suited for wipe downs with water and or detergents. With synthetic wicker, you can even just spray it down with a hose. With reed wicker, you can use a damp cloth, but be careful if it is painted that you don’t damage the paint. Make sure to completely dry your wicker immediately.
Step 5: Dry Your Wicker Furniture
You’ll want to make sure your wicker is dry before you use it again. You also want to dry as quickly as possible to avoid damaging your furniture. Depending on your type of wicker, you can use different methods. Stronger wicker like synthetic can be left out to air dry, or you can use hair dryer (cold setting). If your furniture is inside, prop a fan up facing the furniture and let it do its thing. You can also use a hairdryer, but it’s recommended you use a cold air setting to make sure you don’t fry the material.