Refrigerators have become one of the most necessary appliances that a household requires. It is useful in food storage, preventing food decay, keeping fruits and vegetables fresh and saving a lot of food wastage. On the downside, it is a costly investment. Although a refrigerator lasts for years, once damaged, its repair and maintenance cost can be slightly high.

Why is it important to clean refrigerator coils?

Refrigerator coils are an integral part in running the refrigeration system. They are situated under or back of the refrigerator and can get clogged up with dirt and hair making it susceptible to damage. The accumulated gunk and debris causes the refrigerator to work less efficiently and thus uses more electricity leading to higher bills. In the worst case scenario, the compressor can burn out completely and need a costly repair or replacement. Thus, investing as little as an hour of your time in cleaning this can save you a lot of unwanted expenses.

Generally advised, refrigerator coils should be cleaned at least once in every six months or twice in a year. The process is not lengthy and requires less than an hour.

How to clean your refrigerator coils?

The appliance may be bigger in size than you but the cleaning process is relatively very easy if you follow these step by step instructions:

  1. First of all, the most crucial step is to turn off the power. Make sure the refrigerator is not in contact with a power supply. Unplug it entirely or shut off the circuit breaker. This will prevent you from hazardous injury.
  • If your fridge is attached to an ice maker or water dispenser, then shut off those lines too and then move your fridge to bring it forward.
  • Next, you need to look for the condenser coils. For older model refrigerators, these can be found at the back of the fridge. They are usually black and have a large grid design. As for newer models, they are at the bottom of the unit and covered with a panel that can be easily removed with a screwdriver. They are accessible from both front and back and feature smaller coils.
  • If placed at the front, carefully remove the condensate tray and a flat condenser coil will likely be above it. If at the back, the shape of the condenser coil is usually cylindrical.
  • In order to clean from beneath, a long wired brush should be used. Carefully insert the brush between the layers and move it to and fro cleaning dirt and debris wherever you see it. It is also advisable to clean the fan gently while doing this.
  • To clean from the backside, use a paintbrush to rub against the coils and clean off dirt and gunk. You can also use a small vacuum in low power for better cleaning but carefully as not to cause any damage.
  • Once you are done cleaning, replace the panel back in position and plug in the refrigerator and any water supplies which you detached.